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Loyalty program
Loyalty programs, like Gift Cards, have become an integral part to the success of the modern retailer. Loyalty programs promote sales by giving incentives in the form of collectable points to returning customers. The more points that are collected, the better deals that they can receive on certain items. Physical loyalty cards have become a staple for North American retailers, with massive businesses bringing point systems in to increase sales, while at the same time giving customers deals on products. As customers move to online ways to buy their favourite items, the challenge arises of how retailers and other businesses can bring in loyalty programs and maintain the same level of success as physical points cards.
When Lane Crawford approached us with their project, we tried to come up with new and ingenious ways to incorporate a loyalty program efficiently and easily to an online shopping experience. Not only did we want to bring the same level of benefits as a loyalty program into the online experience, but we wanted to make sure that it surpassed the in-store experience. We tried to understand the limitations of physical loyalty cards in order to create a thorough program that would be successful and popular, increasing conversion rates and returning customers.
Having a physical loyalty card in your wallet doesn’t mean too much until you use it. There is usually no easy way to understand your point level, how many more points you need for discounts and promotions, how much you need to spend to actually get the discounts and promotions, and how these points convert to dollars and vice versa. To take loyalty promotions further online than in-store, we decided to include automatic qualifiers into the Lane Crawford online experience. This way, if a customer is curious about the status of their points, this information is provided to them in their cart. Desato has enhanced ATG promotion and Commerce Service Center to support Lane Crawford’s loyalty program online. More than that, the site is personalized for Lane Crawford’s loyalty program members to allow its VIP customers to enjoy the same experience and privilege as if they were shopping in store, such as sales preview and stock reserve.